Well-being app design “Hackathon” – Boehringer Ingelheim Lab. After the current PHASE of Protection of COVID, the bars and restaurants are opening and even though they were the most affected by our absence, we need to be aware on how sanitized is the...
Hostelry Digital product Private events & lodging in France. This project aim to offer a new digital image to a exclusive event and hostelry castle in the south of France, more in detail in “Montesco” near Perpignan, France. A beautiful space that...
UI UX – AR application CityGraff – Augmented reality app The application created augmented reality images that could appear on any environment, my solution was to differentiate the app from the competitors, that’s why I used the color yellow, as no...
UI design – Online app Fleet server management In this project I had to create a innovative way to solve the usage of cloud management for software. This IaaS software platform allowed telcos, hosters and service providers the ability to build, sell and monetize...
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